Adam Fronczak

Web Developer, Tampa Bay

Hello! I'm Adam Fronczak, a web developer based out of Tampa, FL.

I began coding from tutorials and grew into a full-time developer at The Iron Yard St.Pete. Currently I am expanding my Rails and JS skills as a freelancer helping small businesses and nonprofits with their site/applications. I enjoy getting out in the Bay area’s meetups and presentations and love getting to work with other developers.

Right Meow

My final Project of The Iron Yard, this responsive app was built using mobile-first principles. It locates users and locations via IP using the Geocoder gem and displays relevent locations on a Leaflet map specific to users unique pet types.


This app was build collaboratively over GitHub and incorporated the Devise gem for authentication as well as the Refile gem for users image uploading.

TIY Glossary

The Iron Yard Glossary was an app build to introduce our class to the Active Record associations in Rails. The app also demonstrates the use of Bootstrap for styling and Oauth for authentication.